Global Reach-Out – INAC: Our Worldwide Executive Search Network,

today we’re talking about the Netherlands!


Our dutch INAC partner Nassau Group

The Nassau Group, based in The Hague, has been offering services in the areas of executive search, recruitment, assessment, coaching and career advice as an experienced partner for organizations and companies as well as ambitious specialists and managers for over 20 years. The consultants act as an extension of the customer’s organization or as a personal career coach for managers and professionals. The aim of Nassau Group is to connect people and organizations as well as to act as ambassadors for clients and candidates. Customized processes create the perfect fit. The corporate philosophy is to provide clients and candidates with full-service support in realizing their goals. This is done on the basis of comprehensive knowledge of the labor market and the respective industry.


Search and selection of executives

The Nassau Group specializes in finding and developing top talent. A comprehensive strategic network and many years of experience are the foundation for successful executive search business. The search and selection skills are applied in a variety of industries and organizations, large and small, profit and non-profit, national and international, for positions at various levels.

In the search for highly qualified professionals, Nassau uses well-founded selection diagnostics in which the skills and inclinations of the candidates are matched with the requirements, goals, culture and strategy of the company.

The Netherlands in a nutshell

The Netherlands, also known as Holland, is a Western European country with a population of approximately 17 million people. The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy with King Willem-Alexander as head of state. The capital is Amsterdam, the seat of government is The Hague. The Netherlands is a member of the EU, NATO and other international organizations.


The Netherlands is a small but influential country with a long and interesting history. As part of the Holy Roman Empire, various rulers controlled the country during the Middle Ages. In the 16th century, the country was ruled by Spain, which led to the Eighty Years‘ War. This ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia and the Netherlands gained independence.

During the 17th-century Golden Age, the Netherlands experienced a period of prosperity and cultural advancement. The country became a leading trading center.

In the 19th century, the country was occupied by France and became part of the French Empire. After Napoleon’s defeat in 1815, the Kingdom of the Netherlands came into being, which also included Belgium. However, relations between the Netherlands and Belgium were strained and Belgium declared its independence in 1830.

During World War II, the Netherlands were occupied by Germany. The Dutch government fled into exile and resistance to the German occupation grew. The Netherlands were finally liberated by the Allies in May 1945.

In the post-war period, the Netherlands became a key member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty.

If the Netherlands was very progressive in the past and known for its liberal attitude towards societal and social issues, the tide has turned a bit. Many topics such as immigration are currently being discussed very emotionally and controversially.


Dutch culture is a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity. 
The Netherlands is known for its rich art history, particularly the „Golden Age“ in the 17th century. The most famous Dutch artists include Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt van Rijn and Johannes Vermeer.
In addition to art, architecture also plays an important role. The excellent use of space and their clear, functional buildings are characteristic of this. In particular, the Bauhaus and the Dutch De Stijl movement have had a lasting impact on architecture in the Netherlands.

In summary, the Netherlands is a tech-savvy country with a strong economy and a rich cultural history.


The Dutch economy is one of the strongest and most stable in Europe. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of around 900 billion US dollars and a per capita income of around 55,000 US dollars, the Netherlands is a prosperous nation and at the same time known for its thriving trade and export economy, open market structure and investment friendliness.

An important driver of the Dutch economy is the service sector, which accounts for more than 80 percent of GDP. The most important sectors include banks, insurance companies, consulting services, logistics and transport, creative industries and tourism. The Netherlands is also an important agricultural producer with a long tradition. With modern technologies and a high level of innovation and sustainability, the Dutch agricultural industry is one of the most productive and efficient in the world.

As an important location for multinational companies, the country offers an open economy characterized by low taxes, good infrastructure and a competitive labor market. The largest companies based in the Netherlands include Shell, Unilever, Philips, ING and AkzoNobel.

Lothar Grünewald

Lothar Grünewald

Managing Director - Grünewald Consulting GmbH

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