JULIEN PEREZ (Associate Director)
Founded 1995 in Aix-en-Provence the executive search company is located today in Paris. QUADRA has become a leading advisor for Top Directors and Managers.
Organised into divisions, leaders in their respective field, Quadra assists their clients in the search for managing directors and executives in the following fields : Food Sector Administration / Public Organisations / Real Estate and Social Housing / Environment / Energy / Automotive/ Healthcare / Pharmaceutical, Chemicals and Beauty Products / Events / Communication.
Quadra: “Due to the importance of Franco-German relations on a political and economic level, the cooperation between QUADRA Consultants and Grünewald Consulting is essential for both sides. Highly qualified, internationally experienced executives are vital for the survival of our globally active customers in a dynamic market environment. These can only be gained through joint, cross-border searches.”
Franco-German Relations
France is Germany’s closest and most important partner in Europe. With no other country is there such regular and intensive coordination.
German companies are the largest foreign investor in France.
The Franco-German trade volume rose to 165 billion euros in 2021 after a corona-related slump in the previous year, 102.3 billion euros of which were German exports to France. German companies not only sell a lot of goods to France, but are also the largest foreign investor there, measured by the number of projects.
Did you know that the average wealth of adults (cash, securities, real estate) in France (approx. 263,000 dollars) is significantly higher than in Germany (approx. 204,000 dollars)?
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